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September News
Sunday, September 5, 2021 by Jennifer Farnsworth | Uncategorized
No Monday Classes on
Mon., Sept 6th for Labor Day
Mon., Sept 20th for NSD no school - this is a studio make up day if we need to cancel classes for any reason before this date.
You may want to get in the habit of checking your "Calendar" link, it can be more descriptive than your Homepage Events list.. unless you click on each event arrow. Also, as I've been figuring out invoicing, I've noticed that Calendar Description can sometimes be messed up (weird, but they are connected), so I've actually updated the calendar a few times, and will work to keep it updated... just know I follow the No School Days as Nebo School District (with back up days being an exception).
We have started all our classes! It is so exciting to see all of your students back at the keyboards; and new faces or siblings start up in Red Balloons or Brown Teddy Bears.
There are just a few spaces open for Sound Beginnings and 1st Year classes if you have younger siblings, friends, family, or neighbors who may be interested. Contact me about inviting them to a sample class.
As you begin a new year, establish a pattern of practice. Know when, where, and who is helping with practices. What will your back up plan be for when those plans don't work one day? Mostly, strive to make it up. Find a silly or fun way to bond with your child. Practice can be frustrating when we go into with too many expectations. "Wow, that was so much easier to play today" "You only played 1 hand last time" "Let's play this song together" "Can you tell show me correct fingers?"